Hoadley option strategy tool

Hoadley option strategy tool

Author: MARKETO[LOG] Date: 26.05.2017

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hoadley option strategy tool

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Peter Hoadley Options Strategy Tool - Excel

Discussion in ' Options ' started by cdcaveman , Jul 18, Log in or Sign up. I'm looking for a begginning to working with excel.. Considering i'm with Interactive brokers 1. Dynamically model impact of future volatility changes on profit by clicking spin buttons.

Payoff diagram adjusted with each spin button click. Breakeven analysis Show all breakeven points for six discrete times slices prior to, and including, expiry, and the probabilities of falling within each of the breakeven ranges.

The total probability of profit and total probability of loss are also shown for each time slice. Dynamically model the impact of changes in volatility after the deal has been entered into, on breakeven points and the probabilities of breaking even, by clicking a spin button.

Automatically suggest an initial set of options for any given template strategy eg a strangle or bull spread with one button click. Using a suggested strategy as the starting point, step through an entire option chain evaluating a given strategy for all strikes for a given expiry date, all expiry dates for a set of strikes, or both.

Update the underlying asset price and all trades in a strategy with with the latest prices at any time with one mouse click. Underlying asset quotes Retrieve underlying asset prices from Yahoo Finance or from any other source which can deliver quotes to Excel spreadsheets.

Daytrading Webinar nach Linda Raschke

All the streaming quote providers supported by the Finance Add-in for Excel can be used in OSET for real-time underlying asset quotes. Percent to target analysis Show for each option trade in a strategy the change in underlying asset price required to produce a user-specified change positive or negative in option price. Percent-to-double is one example of this analysis. Strategy dissection Show the individual trades of a complex strategy separately, but together on a single payoff diagram to enable each trade's contribution to the overall strategy to be more easily understood.

Automatic position hedging Automatically adjust strategies to achieve target neutrality outcomes with two mouse clicks. A strategy can be made delta neutral, delta and gamma neutral, vega neutral, delta and vega neutral, or delta, gamma, and vega neutral.

Backtesting Backtest by stepping through strategies from deal date to expiry using actual market data. Data can be a price history of the underlying only or, if available, the underlying plus option histories.

Payoff diagram can be dynamically rotated using spin buttons for better viewing of complex payoff surfaces. Greeks by trade Show Individual and position Greeks next to each trade for current underlying price only individual delta available in basic version. Position Greeks shown for entire strategy no position totals in basic version. Produce open interest configuration charts showing open interest for puts and calls by strike.

Hoadley Options Tools Review

Open Positions Manager OPM integration Import open positions from the Open Positions Manager OPM into OSET with one button click to model the impact of various alternatives on strategies entered into some time in the past. Dynamic graph scaling and centering Scale and center the payoff diagram by clicking spin buttons.

Integrated historical volatility calculator Retrieve historical data and calculate historical volatility using the sohpisticated GARCH and EWMA models. Probability analysis Show the probability of hitting underlying asset targets.

Both "end of period" and "any time prior to expiry" probabilities are shown. Probabilities are shown both graphically and in table form. Probability cones Show graphically the probability of falling between various asset price bands at various maturities.

Produced for both "at end expiry " and "any time touching " probabilities. Changes in key variables volatility, dividend yields etc. Enhanced financial analysis Calculate expected returns for a strategy return for period and annualized ROI for any user-selected underlying asset price. Retain all data when moving to a new version of OSET Export all your current saved strategies, underlying asset data, and settings, and import them into a new version of OSET with two button clicks.

In the basic version your saved strategies cannot be moved to the new version of OSET and all data would need to be re-entered manually. I use Hoadley's tools. They are very helpful and well designed.

Options Strategy Evaluation Tool: Options Analysis Software | Hoadley

The excel finance add-in provides convenient functions when building your own stuff. Fairly inexpensive as well. I haven't been able to add instriments to the strategy evaluation tool via my IB data.. Options Oracle is currently dead, for my uses.

Hoadley Options Strategy Evaluation Tool by Peter Hoadley - Should I Remove It?

It won't connect to the CBOE server. And their forums are now rampant with spam. I signed up with Otions Xpress, but I can't find a tool there that will do this simple thing.

Even something with delayed quotes might work. You must log in or sign up to reply here.

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