Fast way to make gold clash of clans

Fast way to make gold clash of clans

Author: kriseka Date: 15.06.2017

I want to know how to get gold faster in Clash of Clans, so I can upgrade my town hall to level 8. I tried upgrading my mines but it made no difference.

I attacked people with k loot but it made no difference it gets robbed. If you don't mind losing trophies, a good strategy is to put your town hall on the outside of your base. Then using a bulkhead base design, focus all of your defenses to protecting your resources. I typically hover around 1k trophies this way. Most people that attack me will just go for the Town Hall and leave my huge defenses alone.

This gives me a free 12 hour shield when they do so as well. The bigger the difference in Town Hall levels between players greatly affects how many resources they can take. Free way Enter a clan that requires nothing to subscribe to, and improve your defense, specially invest in your city walls. If you win wars your clan receives money you can cash in afterwards.

If you are willing to spend some bucks on it, first upgrade all your gold mines until there's no more upgrade you can make, then buy a short-span shield 1 day, 3 days and boost all of your mines gems required. This could help you achieve a huge amount of gold in a short time.

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By the way, why attack people with K loot? It is not that common, and sometimes these bases are difficult to attack. Thank you stock market game winners 2016 your interest in this question.

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How can I get gold faster in Clash of Clans? Caleb 7, 5 25 Minecraftman 36 1 1 2.

Thebluefish 6, 1 18 Just raid people with lots of loot and don't raid for the trophies raid for the loot! Why not attack people with k loot if you find one?

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When it's easy for the grab, grab it and since it's rare, that's even more the reason to do so. Your last line doesn't make any sense because any easy base with more resources than the amount you used to build your army is good for raid if it's easy to get the resources.

Fennekin Still doesn't change anything. BARCH works for abandoned bases and those usually have more than k of each resource.

Upgraded defenses has no effect on BARCH because the number of troops overwhelm the speed at which defenses fire. Fennekin right, but be aware that Latinlotus is generalising his statement in his answer.

He is saying not to attack any base with k loot, whether in the core or not and that just doesn't make sense. Arqade works best with JavaScript enabled. MathOverflow Mathematics Cross Validated stats Theoretical Computer Science Physics Chemistry Biology Computer Science Philosophy more 3.

fast way to make gold clash of clans

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